Considering the size of our universe and the
many galaxies, stars and planets that it holds, many people
think it reasonable to believe that there is life somewhere
else other than ON Earth. It is doubtful that the extraterrestrials
have visited our planet but nevertheless, somewhere out there,
a living, breathing entity may exist - it may even be intelligent!
We invite you to send in pictures and descriptions
of aliens that you think may exist somewhere in the universe.
Drawings can be as detailed as you like. You can include pictures
of the aliens' home planet, some of the technological instruments
and equipment they may have, diagrams of various characteristics
you want to explain further, etc. Be as creative as you like
but try to balance it with some of the understanding we have
about our universe.
Think of your description page a bit like the
back of baseball cards but with more details. It provides
the "stats" about your alien life form.